Paladin Music & Entertainment, Inc.
PresentsNJ Family Medieval Festival
Sunday October 24th, 2004
11 am - 6pm
Village of Waterloo
Stanhope, NJThank You!
Paladin Music & Entertainment, Inc. would like to extend a sincere "Thank you!" to the staff of Waterloo Village, Sponsors, Supporters, all participating Merchants and Performers and Volunteers who made this Festival a success! Of course, the Festival is nothing without the people who we love to entertain - the patronage of the public and the fans.
Although this was our third festival produced, it was our first at Waterloo Village. Though a bit on the chilly side, the weather held out.
Don't miss the 2007 Family Medieval & Fantasy Festival! Two full days of music, sword fighting, educational and entertaining fun, plus a few other surprises!
Thank you to our Merchants who helped make this event a great suceess by being a part of our family!