Pal-a-din \'pal-ed-en\ n.
1: a champion of a medieval prince.
2: an outstanding protagonist of a cause.
3: a Knight who is brought back from the dead to fight Evil and Injustice through the use of his Music, his Magic and is his Might.
"Good Always Wins Over Evil - But Not Without a Sacrifice."
"There is a Hero in every one of us, waiting for the time when we are forced to make a choice between good and evil, ready to emerge and fight for what is right -- because Heroes have the courage to do what is right. My goal is to change people's lives for the better, to help the helpless, and to give hope to people when there is none." - The Paladin Knight
Story Of The Paladin Knight
"When you look up at the sky,
Have you ever tried to find the place that the echoes go to when they die?
Where legends, people of the myths, Elvin kings on their glory live?
A land where the fates reign supreme, old women three, weave upon the loom of time.Mount Olympus' gilded slopes, rise above faded loves and faded hopes.
And forgotten gods lie in sleep, where mingled with glory and decay
Rotting wealth and heroes unsung endure each day,
A place where folk and fairy tales, feast on golden ships and silver sails.
Tears swept by the songs of men and dreams that with childhood are left behind
Mermaids glide through enchanted seas, and the allure of the Sirens does not grow dimTo reign in this land I do not ask, but this I do request.
When my life is fully lived,
When my life is fully lived.
When I have no music left to give,
As I await my final day.
Give me but a glimpse, as seen in a dream, a moment of the freedom of the sky
The place where the echoes go, when they die." - The Paladin KnightChapter 1
Story Of The Paladin Knight
Paladin Music and Entertainment, Inc. © 2001-2010Evan was once an outsider. He wandered into this land, almost guided perhaps, to escape the evil that the rest of the world could not escape from. The mighty mountain range he traversed protected him and the people here in this place called the Land of the Five Stones. Life was simple, beautiful and everybody understood their place in the scheme of things. Here, Evan enjoyed the harmony and peace that existed between the earth and the people. This was something he never had as a warrior. Evan brought stories of wars and battles with him. Stories of people in other lands that fought and hated each other. But here, there was no fighting because there were no armies. There were no armies because there were no wars, no hate and no evil.
Protecting this sacred land were the Five Stones of Life. Five villages each had their own stone to safeguard, tend to and pay homage to. Ancient legend says they came from the sky, but no one really knows for sure. Names given to them by elders long gone were: the Hematite of Earth, the Diamond of Air, the Ruby of Fire, the Sapphire of Water, and the Emerald of Spirit. As long as these stones occupied the land, their power would continue to bring harmony and prosperity to the land.
Farming was alien to Evan, but what else could he do? There wasn't much use for a warrior here. The local villagers smiled at his awkwardness in the field as he learned his new trade by trial and error. But despite his clumsiness, he embraced his new vocation with enthusiasm, especially since he knew it would help the people forget about his warring past. His hard work and devotion caught the eye of the beautiful maiden Kayla. Her father, Malzor, was an enchanter of the Emerald Stone and a conjurer well versed in the arts of natural, celestial and ceremonial magic. Malzor noticed Evan's curiosity and recognized his potential. He took on Evan as an apprentice. Evan tended to the fields in the day and visited Malzor in the evening. He studied hard, learning simples spells and rituals. But whether Evan truly was truly interested in the magical arts or just in being closer to Kayla, one can only guess. During the day, Evan found as many excuses as possible to visit the market place where Kayla worked.
"I've prepared some tea for you." She had anticipated his daily visit.
"Why thank you, Kayla." He didn't have the heart to tell her he never touched the touched the stuff. Instead, he accepted her gracious gift and drank it down in one swift gulp.
"Ahhhh! Very good!" He hoped the artificial smile he produced was sufficient to hide his discomfort.
"Good! Come again tomorrow and you'll get the same." She was flirting with him. Although a bit older than her, she admired his strength and his wisdom. The mysteries of his past intrigued her too, but it was his goofball sense of humor that made her laugh. She loved it when he smiled. She loved it even more when he bit his lower lip. It was so sexy.
"Oh, no, no! You don't have to." He dreaded the thought of any more tea.
She smiled. "It's no trouble at all."
Evan cringed. "So kind of you."
Kayla smiled. Her smile was always radiant. But it was her eyes that he had noticed first. They said so much about her. She was a good person always thinking about others and their well being. Evan left the market place. For the rest of the day he bouncing off the trees convinced that Kayla was going to make a tea drinker out of him yet!
The mountains may have provided a safe haven from the rest of the world, but it could not stop time or the events outside of this sanctuary. The evil that was sweeping the rest of the world knew no boundaries. It encroached upon the Land of Five Stones. A disciple to this evil was a war lord, called simply, The Baron. Some say he was born of a demon mother and has the head of a troll and the body of an imp. Others say he is tall and lanky with eyes that cast fire balls upon you while there are tales that he can look like an ordinary man - or woman! The truth is, no one has ever lived long enough to pass on an accurate description. The story goes that the Baron believed in the foretelling of his destiny by the stars to spread evil in the world, to conquer all, to lay waste and destruction to everything in his path, and to destroy all that is good. For the Baron, matter and the physical reign over the spirit. He believed this is his destiny and vowed to fulfill it at any means possible. The Baron wanted the Five Stones of Life and he was going to get them Once in his possession, he could turn the power of each stone into a force that would make him an invincible being to be reckoned with.
So it began. Like a fog rolling in from the sea, the Baron invaded the land from the south, bringing his armies over the mountain range. His surprise attack wiped out the first village with, capturing the Hematite Stone of Earth, then the Ruby Stone of Fire. The other villages were quickly alerted. Men scrambled to make weapons out of farm tools, chairs, and plowing carts. Women took the children and fled to the forests. Horses were drawn to make a Calvary with men carrying sharpened poles as spears.
But these simple, yet brave people were no match for the Baron's army. The next two villages fell and their sacred stones lay in their enemy's hands. Fields of yellow wheat were painted red with the blood of slain men. The air reeked with smell of burnt and rotting flesh. There was no hope for the final villages. Malzor, seeing the inevitable plight of his own village, called upon Evan.
"Take the last stone from the temple and escape into the mountains." He commanded Evan. "You must protect the stone at all cost. The magical power of the Stones only can be harnessed when all of them are together."
"I promise I will protect it with my life!", said Evan.
"You must! Humanity depends on it!"
"I don't understand."
"There is more to the stones than just their sacredness."
"Of course, they keep the land fertile and pure."
"Oh much more than that, my guileless one. Much more than that. But is there no time to explain now!"
Kayla burst through the door. "Father, I have gathered all that you requested."
"Good, the armies are approaching quickly. Evan, remember what I said. Now go!"
"No father! He must come with us!
"He can not my child."
"Then I will go with him!"
"My love, my dearest Kayla. You will be safe with your father and the others, and even safer if the Emerald of Spirit is far away from you."
"But when will I see you again?"
"I will travel through the east range and find a safe hiding place for the stone. Then I will return."
"Yes, yes. We will travel north to the catacombs." Malzor was getting anxious. "Please, we must hurry!"
Kayla looked long and deeply into Evans eyes searching for an answer. He saw the fear and uncertainty in her eyes too. Chestnut brown eyes that matched her long, silky hair. No words were spoken. None had to be. He slowly leaned down towards her and gently kissed her lips. She returned the kiss, parting her lips ever so slightly as his arm embraced her waist. His other reaching behind her as his hand gently held her head. It was a deep, passionate kiss. As passionate and fresh as their first. It was just like when they were running through the wheat fields when they first met. The sky was crystal clear and moon was full. Evan took the chance when he gently came up from behind her, spun her around and in that brief moment that seemed like eternity, kissed her. For the rest of that night, they embraced and kissed while the moon danced from one end of the sky to the other. Time had stopped for them. They fell in love.
Their embrace was interrupted by the sound of distant screams.
Malzor peered out of the window. "Now! You must go now, Evan! Come Kayla"
Evan stroked her hair. He knew there was going to be a great space between them. He also knew their love was strong enough for this.
"Remember that I love you. I love you will all of my heart, my soul and my life! I believe in our love and it will never die, my dearest Kayla. Despite my dark past, despite my shortcomings, I am a better person because of you. I will find you!"
They had one final embrace and kiss. But this time, time did not stop for them. The inevitable had come. Evan quickly collected the stone and left. Malzor and Kayla scurried from the dwelling and they hastened to meet the others.
Evan never dreamed that his warrior skills, the very same skills that he once frowned upon, would now be in desperate need. Securing the Emerald stone of Spirit on his person, Evan headed for the mountains. Over his shoulder, rising black smoke in the distance could be seen hazing over the sun. If he could last till sunset, the night would shield him from his enemy.
But the Baron's army was numerous and swift. Hearing the cries in the distance, Evan knew his people were being overcome. He feared for Kayla but he knew he must go on. Reaching the base of the mountain, he ran in fear deep into the rocks. What if he had to fight? It had been so long since he held a sword and his new life softened him. Dropping to his knees in frustration, he began to sob.
"Hand me the stone!" the grunt commanded. Evan quickly looked up startled. There standing before him, towering like an oak tree, was one of the Baron's men.
"What stone?" He acted ignorant.
"Do not take me for a fool! We know you have it!"
"I don't know what you m&ldots;" The impatient warrior delivered a swift blow that cut across Evan's face, knocking him over.
Like a child, Evan trembled in fear. He was indecisive. He had once learned the hard way that indecision, in any circumstance, can be costly. He was afraid to draw his sword and just as afraid not to. The warrior snatched the pouch that contained the Emerald Stone from Evan's side. As he drew his sword to deliver a single, fatal blow, Evan slipped away. Running as fast and as hard as his legs would let him. Once satisfied he had escaped his foe, he rested. Finding a perch, Evan climbed into the tree and began to sob again. He was so scared. No, not scared. He was ashamed, embarrassed. Even more so now than ever before, he realized he was a coward. He had broken his promise to protect the stone. Feelings of guilt became overwhelming. Evan could not believe the events that had enfolded an his inability to do anything about it. He slammed his fists against the tree. He stopped. He heard something. Something was calling to him. He couldn't explain it. It was the Stone! He felt it!
"Good always wins over evil&ldots;" It was a faint but distinguishable voice.
Straining to hear the voice, he froze motionless.
"&ldots;but not without a sacrifice."
He paused for a moment. Looking towards the west, the sun was straining to cast its light through the smoke filled sky, as if reaching out for Evan. Squinting as the rays of light caressed his face, Evan then understood. He knew he had to do what was right. He had to go back.. Back to the stone that would give humanity hope, to Kayla his love and the life he wanted.
Jumping down from the tree with a renewed fire in his heart, and his sword in his hand, he ran as fast as he could down the mountain side. He continued until he heard the laughter of three wretches.. One of them had the Emerald Stone as the other two escorted him back towards the plundered village.
His heart beat was thundering in his ears. His feet running faster than a steed. With the momentum of his speed down the hill, Evan, with both hands, grasped his sword tightly. As if in slow motion, he leaped with all of his might onto the grunt. Thrusting his sword into the enemy's back he broke the blade in two. Seeing the Stone had dropped to the ground, the one warrior bent down to grab it as the other turned to Evan.
"Why you midget imp! Die!"
"No, you're the imp!" and with that Evan struck his face with little that remained of his sword.
"Aaaah! My eye!" screamed the guard as blood poured onto his chest.
Turning quickly to his remaining foe, Evan drove his foot into the warrior's chest making him topple over. Picking up the Emerald Stone, Evan once again escaped into the mountains.
His lungs gasped for air as his heart felt like it would explode in his chest. Muscles aching from climbing, he looked around. Seeing nothing, he finally felt safe and paused for a moment. But sometimes things only take a moment to happen&ldots;
"Swisssssssshh!" as an archer's arrow pierced through his neck.
Dropping the stone and grabbing his throat, he tried to cry our for help, but he could not speak. The only sound heard was that of gurgling blood from his mouth. Loosing his balance, Evan fell to the ground. Thinking quickly, he bravely snapped the arrow. Slowly and painfully, he slide both parts out from each side of his neck. He picked up the Stone with his bloody hands and began once again to run and run and run&ldots;
"It's so beautiful&ldots;" Evan thought as he sat on a rock near the summit watching the sunset. "I almost made it, didn't I - " he asked himself rhetorically.
Too weak to go on from the loss of blood, Evan smiled at his victory to protect the Emerald Stone. With the little strength he had left, he crawled from the rocks to a grassy patch. With his broken sword, now acting as a shovel, he dug a hole. He tore his bloody shirt from his body and wrapped the stone up with it.
"You'll be safe in here." he thought.
He placed the Emerald Stone in the hole and covered it with earth and grass. He laid his head down on the blood soaked ground.
"Good always wins over evil&ldots;" Evan thought as he turned his head one last time to see a final ray of setting sunlight disappear from his face.
" - but not without a sacrifice - "
Chapter 2
Is Evan dead?
Will the Baron rule the world?
Stay Tuned!
The Paladin is Trademark and Copyrighted and is Protected by Federal Laws. All composed music is copyrighted (C, P) and is the property of Paladin Music and Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Mechanical Licenses obtained where applicable. Copying of this site in part or whole is restricted unless with the written permission of Paladin Music and Entertainment, Inc.